published 1556
published 1607
published 1893
Another mountain of India lies in the vessel,
which the Spirit and the Soul–
that is, the Son and the Guide–
have climbed.
The 1556 Figure has the Guide with the King and the Prince on a rocky outcrop in the middle of the Sea. The Sun and the Moon share the sky.
The 1607 version has the Guide and the Prince on an outcrop in the middle of the Sea. The Sun and Moon are in the sky, with nine stars.
The 1893 version has the Guide and the Prince on a mountaintop, overlooking the Forest. In the background, the Sun and the Moon share the sky.
…and changes this body into Soul,
In Microcosmic Alchemy, the Mountain refers to the Brain. The Salamander, the Pineal Gland, is the Seat of the Soul. According to Hall, within the Pineal Gland is the Animal Mind, represented by Aphrodite. When the Animal Mind is tinctured by Spiritual Light, it becomes the Divine Mind, represented by Hermes.