A Thought Experiment
Awen is the Unity, which means accurate descriptions are pretty much impossible. When you describe what something is, you imply what it is not, and then you aren’t describing Awen anymore. So rather than using a description, we can use a symbol. The symbol for Awen is 1.
The First Triad states there is nothing beyond, before, and above Awen. “Beyond” implies space; “before” implies time. Awen exists outside of space and time.

Annwn is infinite nothing.
When Awen causes manifestation, manifestation occurs in Annwn. Annwn’s symbol is 0

Awen’s symbol is 1; Annwn’s symbol is 0.
Typically, we think that any number multiplied by 1 is the same number and any number multiplied by 0 is 0.
Conversely, any number divided by 1 is the same number and any number divided by 0 is 0. However, if division is considered multiplying by the reciprocal of the number (N x 1/N), some interesting options arise. The option relevant to this discussion is that 1/0 is not undefined; rather, it represents infinity.

The square of a number is the number multiplied by itself. (For example, the square of 3 is 9.)
The square root of a number, when multiplied by itself, yields the number. (For example, the square root of 9 is 3.)
For this thought experiment, rather than assigning the square root of 0 the value of 0, we’ll consider the square root of 0 to be 0 and 1/0.

So, potentially, if 0 degraded to a lower Sub-Plane, it would yield 0 and 1/0.

0 represents empty Space.
1/0 represents Infinity.

If 0 degrades to 0 and 1/0 going down a Sub-Plane, it follows that 0 and 1/0 sublimating to a higher Sub-Plane would result in 0.

But, if 0 is considered to be 1/0, another result is possible. 0 and 1/0 sublimate to 1.

And degrading 1 to a lower Sub-Plane yields the square root of 1, which is 1.
0 represents space (or latent substance).
0/1 represents infinity (or latent motion).
1 represents Awen (latent consciousness).

Now to consider manifestation…

Awen is Unity, the first of the Seven Laws.

Awen is Unity, represented by 1.
Annwn is infinite nothing, represented by 1/0.
Awen superimposes on Annwn.
Awen and Annwn are Polarity, the second of the Seven Laws.

Awen is Unity, represented by 1.
Annwn is infinite nothing, represented by 1/0.
Annwn is infinite nothing, represented by 0.
Awen (as 1) and Annwn (as 0 and 1/0) form a trinity in Balance, the third of the Seven Laws.

Awen, the First Cause, is reflected in Annwn.
The reflection of Awen in Annwn is Causation, the fourth of the Seven Laws.

Space and Infinity are a polarity.
Manifestation alters between Space and Infinity.
Alternating between Space and Infinity creates Vibration, the fifth of the Seven Laws.

The latent space in Annwn has manifested into Calas, Substance.
The latent motion in Annwn has manifested into Gwyar, Motion.
The latent consciousness in Annwn has manifested into Nwyfre, Consciousness.
Calas, Gwyar, and Nwyfre Correspond to latent space, motion, and consciousness (and space, infinity, and possibility) on another Sub-Plane, the sixth of the Seven Laws.

Everything (all things, all Substance) contain Spirit and Life.
Spirit degrades to Life and Substance; Life and Substance sublimate to Spirit.
The cycle of Spirit to Life and Substance to Spirit is circular. Circularity is the seventh of the Seven Laws.