published 1556
published 1607
published 1893
A Salamander lives in the fire,
which imparts to it a most glorious hue.
This is the reiteration, gradation, and amelioration of the Tincture,
or Philosopher’s Stone;
and the whole is called its Augmentation.
The 1556 Figure shows a white bird with a red beak (from Figure 7) being roasted. In the background, two fires burn. An additional fire burns in the foreground.
The 1607 version has a bird being roasted. The bird appears to be black, red, and white (possibly a Phoenix). Three fires burn in the background.
The 1893 version shows a salamander being roasted. The salamander is held on a trident.
The salamander is considered a spiritual remnant of a dragon, so it is what remains after the Black Beast has been purified. In Man: The Grand Symbol, Hall references a comment by H.P. Blavatsky: “the fires are always playing around the pineal gland.” So the salamander represents the pineal gland.